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8-bit general-purpose MCU

8-bit MTP type microcontroller with 12 bit resistive ADC

CSC8122MB is an 8-bit microcontroller with MTP and 12 bit resistive ADC. It utilizes the architecture foundation of RISC to enable most of the

The execution time of instructions is one instruction cycle, and only a small number of indirect address access instructions require two instruction cycles.

CSC8122MB is equipped with up to 2KW MTP program memory and 128 bytes data memory, including a 12 bit battery with up to 12 channels

Resistive ADC converter. CSC8122MB provides three hardware counters simultaneously: one is a 16 bit timer, and two 8-bit counters with PWM

Generator. CSC8122MB also supports a hardware comparator

Product detail

  • 2KW MTP program space (programmable over 1000 times)

  • 128 bytes of data space

  • A hardware 16 bit timer

  • Two 8-bit timers with PWM function

  • A hardware comparator

  • Bandgap circuit provides a reference voltage of 1.20V

  • Up to 12 channels and 12 bit precision resistive ADC (R-ADC)

  • Maximum 14 IO pins with selectable pull-up/pull-down resistors

  • Each IO pin can be set as a wake-up function

  • Clock sources: IHRC, ILRC, and EOSC (XTAL)

  • Each IO that can be awakened supports two optional wake-up speeds: normal and fast

  • Level 8 selectable LVR reset voltage ranging from 1.8V to 4.5V

  • Two selectable external interrupt pins

  • Built in VDD/2 LCD bias voltage generator to provide maximum 5x9 dot matrix LCD display