The CJC4334H is a high quality stereo DAC designed for portable multimedia applications. The CJC4334H is a complete, stereo digital-to-analog output systems including interpolation, mu...
The CJC4354 is a high-quality stereo DAC designed for portable multimedia applications and a mono bridged audio power amplifier capable of delivering 3W of continuous average power int...
CSC32M08X 是一款 32 位内核的面向电机控制应用的紧凑型 MCU,集成了常用电机控制 系统所需要的基本模块。
CSC5289是一款PWM升降压型多节镍氢电池充电管理芯片,USB 5V电源输入,通过PWM升降压控制对1节到8节镍氢电池进行恒流充电管理。CSC5289内置基准电压源,高精度ADC模块检测充电电流和电池电压,集成片外场效应晶体...
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